MA का नोट्स SEMESTER1
MA का नोट्स SEMESTER1
Unique Geography Notes वेबसाइट पर MA/PG भूगोल का सम्पूर्ण सिलेबस का सरल एवं आसान हिंदी भाषा में भूगोल के विद्वानों द्वारा तैयार नोट्स उपलब्ध है। यह नोट्स विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों जैसे-मगध गया, वीर कुँवर सिंह आरा, पाटलिपुत्रा पटना, मुंगेर, पूर्णिया, मौलाना मजहरूल हक, बी० आर० अंबेडकर मुजफ्फरपुर, ललित नारायण मिथिला दरभंगा, नालन्दा खुला (Open), जयप्रकाश छपरा, तिलका माँझी भागलपुर, विनोवा भावे हजारीबाग, सिद्धू कान्हू दुमका, बी० एन० मंडल, राँची, BHU, JNU, ALLAHABAD, लखनऊ, गोरखपुर इत्यादि सभी विश्वविद्यालय के लिए U.G.C. के नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित सैद्धांतिक परीक्षाओं के लिए काफी उपयोगी है।
Syllabus के साथ नोट्स भी एक बार जरुर पढ़ें
- Theories regarding evolution of Earth’s Crust
- Isostasy- Concept, Theories and its Application
- Continental Drift Theory and Plate Tectonics
- Theory of Sea Floor Spreading
- Morphogenic Evolution Models of Davis,
- Penck and
- King Models of Slope Formation.
- Channel Morphology.
- Rejuvenation and Multiple Cycle of Erosion
Classification and Evolution of:
- Arid Landforms
- Glacial Landforms
- Periglacial landforms
- Karst landforms
Geomorphic Evolution of:
- Chotanagpur Highlands,
- Peninsular India,
- Shillong plateau,
- Kashmir Himalayas
- Meaning and Scope of Applied Geomorphology
- Application of Geomorphology in engineering projects and oil exploration
- Morphometric Analysis of Drainage basin- Stream Order, Sinuosity Index and Drainage Density
- Climatology and its Relation with other Sciences
- Composition and Thermal Structure of Atmosphere
- Heat Budget and Heat Balance
- Airmasses: Characteristics, Classification and Distribution
- Fronts, Types of Fronts and associated Weather Conditions
- Techniques of Weather Forecasting
- Cyclones and Anticyclones
- Theories of climatic change
- Global Warming: Causes and Consequences
- El-Nino and La-Nina phenomena in Indian context
- Relief Features of Ocean Floor Bottom
- Relief of Indian and Atlantic Ocean
- Submarine Canyons
- Theories of Origin of Tides
- Types of Coral Reef and theories of Coral Reef formation
- Ocean Deposits
Geographical Thought
- Place of Geography in Sciences and Social Sciences
- Contribution by Greek and Roman Scholars with special reference to Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Aristotle, Plato, Strabo, Ptolemy
- Contribution by Arab scholars
- Development of Geographical ideas in Ancient India
- Development of Geography during 19th century
- Concept of Space- Absolute, Relative and Abstract and Post Modern Space
- Development of Modern Indian Geography: Prospects, Problems and Future
- Positivism and
- Pragmatism in Human Geography
- Quantitative Geography: Revolution, Merits and Demerits
- Paradigms in Geography
- Models-Definition and Types
- Applied Geography
- Behavioural Geography
- Radical Geography
- Humanistic Geography
- Structuralism
- Functionalism
- Feminism
- Post-Modemism
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